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Monday 2 July 2007

Stormy summer night

Catching a lightning strike on a still camera is not easy. The exposure (30 seconds at f11, 200 ISO) means you point your camera where you hope the lightning will flash - and wait. I took a total of eight exposures to catch this strike, a modest one. The remaining seven registered nothing - despite the flashes going off at an average rate of one a minute. There are some good pointers as to photographing thunderstorms on this website. Photo above taken on 2 July at 23:37 CET.

[UPDATE: I no longer use 30 seconds, but BULB, keeping the shutter open until enough lightning strikes have registered. 100 ISO, f8]

1 comment:

  1. narawdę wspaniałe zdjęcia ...

    a tęcza, dokładnie ta sama, ale w Jęzorkach jej widok był szaleńczo rewelacyjny :)
