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Saturday 8 September 2007

The changing face of Jeziorki

(Above:) ul. Kórnicka after being laid with paving stone. It now guarantees us a mud-free journey from home all the way to ul. Baletowa - but the school run still includes ul. Poloneza, a long, unmade road that's muddy and rutted and impassible at the worst of times. What we've lost is atmosphere.

is ul. Kórnicka before it was 'civilised' - this had an entirely different 'spirit of place' that harked back to 1930s USA. That atmosphere has gone for ever. (How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to change it, four to sing The Old Light Bulb.)

To the left in both photos is the local football pitch, bordered off from the road with old car tyres.

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