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Sunday 14 October 2007

A beautiful Sunday south of Warsaw

For much of today, we had lots of bright sunshine broken every now and then by small clouds drifting across from the west. I went for a longish walk across the tracks to Dawidy Bankowe, then onto Łady (pron. 'Wuddy'), Nowy Podolszyn, Zamienie, then back home. (Above:) Many new houses have just been completed on the road from Dawidy Bankowe to Łady, as has the road itself and electricity infrastructure. (Above:) A field of cornflowers, still in full bloom. I was quite amazed to see them still flowering so vigorously at this time of year. Although visually late summer lingers, the daytime high today was +9C, quite chilly. (Below:) At Nowy Podolszyn I came across a riding school and stables; the white fencing and distant trees lent an air of bluegrass Kentucky to the scene. Once again, a sudden past life flashback has been triggered. (Below:) Between Nowy Podolszyn to Zamienie, the road is being dug up for new drains. Beyond the excavator in the distance, the road is closed. I wonder whether it will be tarmacked all the way through to Zamienie; if so, another bit of rural atmosphere will go for good. Rural scenes again; (right) a cow in a field near Zamienie. It was mooing at me in the hope that I would milk it; evidently it had not been milked today. The cow danced around in discomfort. Maybe its owner had had a heavy night! (Left:) In the next field, I found some pumpkins growing, reminding me that in two weeks time it will be the eve of All Hallows. Look carefully at the pumpkin in the foreground and you will see a harvestman spider. (Below:) Back in Jeziorki now, having crossed the railway track. The little hillock in the mid foreground makes a great vantage point for taking pictures of trains, ideally before noon when the sun's not behind the subject. The path curving off to the left takes me back to ul. Trombity via Nawlocka. (Below:) A stand of birch trees beautifully illuminated by the mid-afternoon sun. Time to get home and cook up some prawns, fried in butter with garlic, cognac and fresh coriander. Accompanied by Basmati rice, fresh spinach and courgettes in tomato sauce.

1 comment:

  1. I can't understand why i haven't met you while on a walk. The birch trees above with an abandoned soccer pitch I used to play on when I was the age of Eddie.

    I hope you come to the well for good water, just in front of my house :-)

    Best wishes,
