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Saturday 27 October 2007

Of bishops and bands

'Do tanca i do rózanca' - to the dance, and to the rosary, as the old Polish saying goes. Today our children's school marked its tenth anniversary with a special festival. The event began with Mass celebrated by around six priests including Bishop Tadeusz Pikus (above). Afterwards, pupils and parents milled around the classrooms, each decorated in a different theme, offering snacks from around the world. Eddie's class was 'India'. Moni (below, right) and her band, The Crumfel, played a short set in the assembly hall. I'm delighted to say that half the set was songs the band wrote themselves. (Compare to their previous gig at the school talent contest in June)

And a propos of education, this story in Friday's Daily Mail shows the sharp contrast between Polish and British secondary schooling into sharp relief (the 85 comments to the story tell an interesting tale too!)

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