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Saturday 26 January 2008

Elegant and proper

The headquarters of the Polish Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations, on Warsaw's ul. Czackiego 3/5. A beautiful example of Belle Epoque architecture, looking so fine on a sunny January day. Built 1904, rebuilt 1947. Notice the two Polish flags; above them fly black ribbons, in mourning for the victims of Wednesday's air disaster, when a Polish Air Force plane full of VIPs crashed on final approach to the runway in poor visibility.

Below: A detail from the above photo, (click on image to see it full-sized). This is a good indication of the capability of the 5 MP camera built into the Nokia N95. Resolution and colour in shade and highlight are up to the task. The N95 makes an excellent back-up go-anywhere and everywhere camera for the photoblogger - as well as serving as a mobile phone and MP3 player. It is however slow and cumbersome in use - lots of menus, long response time. Not a problem for landscapes, it does mean it's not good for spontaneous grab-shots.

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