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Wednesday 23 January 2008

Happy birthday, Moni!

Our daughter Monika is 15 today. Unlike her brother Eddie, she shares her birthday with no famous Poles* (although reporter Ryszard Kapuściński died this day last year).

Mindful of Moni's interests in making music and movies, it's worth mentioning two other January 23rd birthdays. Huddie 'Leadbelly' Ledbetter, influential blues musician whose songs have been covered by Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Nirvana and the Beach Boys was born 115 years ago today, and Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein, born 105 years ago today.

(*I'm reminded that poet Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński was born this day. But then he blotted his copybook by writing panegyrics to Sralin)


  1. Happy Birthday, Moni, from a stranger in the country next door! :-) I hope you have a great time celebrating!


    The Polish Wiki page has a few more Pole oriented links - e.g Gałczyński - and historic events - eg 1793 - II rozbiór polski 2nd Division of Poland. Ooops.
    But that was then - now it's Moni's birthday - hurrah! Sto Lat!!

  3. Jenks for that, just spotted uh... Django Reinhardt there too!
