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Wednesday 31 December 2008

Rampa - a year-end look

Thanks again to Jeziorki resident Marcin Daniecki for these pics, taken on the last morning of 2008. They show that, despite the imminent economic slowdown, work on the Rampa site is proceeding apace. The photo below show cranes and pipes, presumably laying drains.

The old tyres, that had been used prevent landslip from the sides of the embankment leading up to the ramp are still here, piled in heaps (below). There are signs that someone has tried to set them on fire, mercifully without any great success.

Below: Where once ran rails. This shot leads me to ponder whether this land (to the west of the scrapyard on Karczunkowska) will be part of the plot. The new road will run to the east, emerging on Karczunkowska opposite ul. Nawłocka. So what will happen here?

Below: looking like a blasted WWI battlefield on the Western Front, mud churned up by machinery, earth heaped up in great mounds, then frozen.

Below: the newly-arising road linking Mysiadło with ul. Karczunkowska. Will it be called ul. Żmijewska (Adder Street), as it once was before the Rampa site was built? (See this post.) How long before this new road starts disgorging hundreds of cars an hour onto ul. Karczunkowska?

Below: abandoned building on ul. Karczunkowska. Not sure what its purpose was, today a hang-out for the local substance-abuse community. Further investigation required!

Below: A final look at the Jeziorki Stonehenge, the last remaining pillar that once held up the ramp. The destruction of this site has been without doubt the biggest local event of 2008. I wonder what will be here in a year's time...


  1. Hi Michael,
    "Below: abandoned building on ul. Karczunkowska. Not sure what its purpose was..." As far as I remeber, there was an electric sub-station.

  2. Thanks Marcin - I shall have to venture inside to take a closer peek!

  3. And one thing more, "How long before this new road starts disgorging hundreds of cars an hour onto ul. Karczunkowska?"

    I think that economic slowdown would verify that "hundreds of cars". You'd imagine, that bus loop on Karczunkowska might become very useful, just because of an increased public transport needs due to raising number of people wanting to journey.

  4. Let's hope so Marcin! A bus loop serving several bus lines, a park and ride at Jeziorki, four trains AN HOUR from Jeziorki into town!

    That would be me ideal, whatever the economic situation.
