My new online project...

Friday 8 February 2008

Crazy motor, mister!

A regular landmark on ul. Górnośląska just around the corner from my office is this far-out groovemobile, a tribute to one man's struggle against communist-era conformity. A Skoda 110 (built some time between 1969 and 1977) stretched front and rear with plenty of stick-on doodads.
  Above: Rear view. This hot-rod would have set the cat among the pigeons and wowed the ladies as it charged down the Wisłostrada. Z drogi śledzie, bo król jedzie! This vehicle has already made it onto Top Gear's website. Black-on-white number plate with Polish flag suggests it was last registered some time between May 2000 and April 2006.


  1. That really is a great car; what a lot of creativity and hard work the owner has put into it! I never knew a Skoda could look so cool :-)

  2. Those are some pretty rad wheels man

  3. Love that Skoda 110! those weedy exit pipes on the left-rear flank to make it look like it has a V8cylinder engine.

    And what does the Polish mean?

  4. Z drogi sledzie, bo król jedzie - out of the way, herrings, here comes the king!
