My new online project...

Wednesday 6 February 2008

That's it, tumbler empty, Lent's kicked off

The time is 00:00. The day is Ash Wednesday. The asceticism starts here. And no Rock'n'Roll. Jazz, R&B, Soul, Pop or music other than Arvo Part's Misere and Henryk Górecki's Third Symphony. Or film. Or TV. Deny yourself... everything.


  1. Thy Lenten asceticism is to be applauded! Add Briar Water and ASH to the list of anti post-hearty victuals upon the road to the Eastertide as we undertake this interregnum from the gaudy temptations of the world. Make thy surroundings as like a DESERT and at every horizon, see but an everlasting need for repentance and redemption. Nature nurtures us to this end and the four elements shall sustain us through the struggles ahead. Last night, I did dream of a vast and grand opulent cathedral filled with underground voids - all of which glistered with the symbols of paradise! It was filled with the devoted earnestly preparing for Lent. I could taste the atmosphere of reverential preparation and observance. It is thus at this day but the symbols of paradise are promised in future days to come. As Lent progresses, so shall they symbols within us grow.

  2. Going by your last post it's a good job you weren't always practicing asceticism during lent ;)
