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Tuesday 12 February 2008

A week into Lent

Seven days gone, 39 to go... Living without alcohol is no problem. Caffeine withdrawal symptoms are still with me - a light headache that lingers for much of the day. Should go by Day 10. A meat-free diet is a doddle; I do miss king prawns though! (esp. fried in butter with a dash of brandy, garlic, chilli, fresh corriander...) Dairy - especially a good cheese, well that's hard work. Replacing butter with marg is a bore. No salt other than that what's already in the food. I've replaced the meat, fish, poultry and dairy products with soya protein (in various forms - soya burgers, smoked tofu) and nuts. Tons of fresh fruit (nice) and vegetables (raw carrot - horrid, but keeps hunger pains at bay). Sit ups - started with a modest 15, up to 60 today (two lots of 30). Of course I've lost not an ounce of weight, but there's still five and half weeks left.

I've not advertently listened to any pop music, watched any TV or movies.

Asceticism remains the watchword.


  1. You are surely joking. You've given up booze, coffee, meat, and dairy!! That can't be good for you. I gave up wearing an old pair of shoes that my girlfriend hated.

  2. One more thing to give up… comment moderation!

    It really would be a lot easier to comment here without it.
