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Wednesday 16 April 2008

Large, charismatic fowl

From my bedroom window this morning, I espied this fellow (above), making his trumpety noises... It's that time of year; the Jeziorki pheasants strut around in mating mood. Left: A male common pheasant not far from our house. Note the ploughed field and the apple tree in bloom. Weather, however, colder and wetter than this time last year. The pheasants will be hatching their young between now and July. Driving Eddie to school, we found our swans were not there. But on my way home in the evening, I called by, and there they were (below) - and hungry for the two slices of bread that I'd saved for them. The swans will be making their nest in the reed beds; a clutch of cygnets can be expected anytime soon! Herons - we got 'em too; I just need to find a stork's nest in Jeziorki. Now there's a harder task... This time last year: The aggregate ramp by W-wa Jeziorki station

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