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Thursday 19 June 2008

Jeziorki midsummer evening scenes

Off for an evening stroll; at this time of year, as the summer solstice nears, the day is at its longest (nearly 17 hours!), the sun sets at nine pm. At the wetlands at the end of the road, the reedbeds are drying out. The water level has fallen by some 70-80 cm. The swans are still there; the cob swimming picket duty, the hen and her brood far deeper into the reeds. Plenty of grey-white feathers and down indicate lots of cygnet action! I hope the water level doesn't fall much lower; as it is I can wade in my wellies without too much fear of wet socks. Should it dry out too much, the swans may not return next year.

On ul. Kórnicka, less than eight miles from the very centre of Warsaw, is this entirely rural scene. A shotgun shack in ol' Kentucky? Sure looks familiar to me. I'd love to buy this place, do it up a bit, but essentially preserve its country character. Why, there's even a well for drawing water. As I walked home, I ponder on this scene, and the following phrase pops unbidden into my mind: "There is a seamless continuum which our souls observe through myriad eyes". We live, we learn, we die, we are reborn; it must happen many times.

Double exposure on ul. Baletowa. "What's he taking a picture of?" That beautifully illuminated old house, with bed covers and laundry out to dry, that's what. The old architecture of Jeziorki gives the place so much atmosphere, long may it withstand the ravishes of Development.

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