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Wednesday 16 July 2008

Have the moles got the message?

Didn't want to write too soon, but this morning was the third day in a row I woke to find no new mole holes on our lawn. It may yet be premature to say that talpine activity has been halted. My theory is that after three long high-pressure blasts with the garden hose, which (after 20+ minutes each) must have flooded the deepest recesses of the moles' tunnels, there must have been Casualties. The bodies of the drowned moles have started decomposing; the smell must be putting off others from coming this way. The ultrasound sticks are still beeping, some folk remedies have been put to use (bottles on sticks). My fear is returning from holiday and finding 100+ molehills on the lawn; that's still some way off. Until then, it's fingers crossed!

Many thanks to the many readers who've sent in their suggestions for ridding our garden of this particular pest.

POSTSCRIPT (I hope) Back from holidays on 11 August to find no new molehills.


  1. Great News! Perhaps they found that your yard is akin to a war zone. Good luck and keep us posted - have a good vacation.

  2. Today, three days on, I can claim six molehill-free mornings in a row. Whatever we did - it worked.

  3. The best success I have had with getting rid of moles is using the bait and applicator from

    Hope this helps!
