My new online project...

Wednesday 20 August 2008

Something about Dobra...

It crept up on me gradually, that consistent, strong sense of deja vu. This is Dobra in Poland's Małopolska province and yet, though I've never been here before, I had a strong sense of the familiar familiarity, as comfortable in my mind as it's ever been, that these scenes I've observed elsewhere, at some other time. Was this Kentucky? Virginia? Oregon?

I lay awake in my guesthouse bed, listening to the occasional night-time traffic, overpowered by memories as crystal clear as those to my childhood in West London, memories I've always had, just as familiar - yet not of this life. I seek to discover what is causing these flashbacks.

The picture below has been Photoshopped to click closer with that atmosphere of 1940s/1950s small town America.

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