My new online project...

Thursday 14 August 2008

Spectacular sunrise

Haven't seen one of these for a while! I was woken up by the roar of a very early charter flight landing over our house just before five am. I looked out of the window to see a beautiful sunrise developing, so I grabbed the camera and raced into the garden. The photo above is a panorama consisting of four vertical frames stitched together (hence the fish-eye effect); this was the only way I could capture the full splendour of the sunrise. Click on photo to enlarge.


  1. Great picture Michael. I awoke to the same albeit about 4km east south east of you. I looked, thought of waking my wife and then went back to sleep. I envy your ability to jump out to the yard to 'get the shot'!


  2. Loved the sunrise and the rainbow - great pictures indeed!

  3. Red sky at night shepherds delight,
    Red sky in morning shepherd take WARNING!

  4. One of the reasons why I love Poland and the Continent...magnificent.
