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Tuesday 27 January 2009

General Mud claims ul. Poloneza

On my way to Platan Park for my first meeting of the day, driving the direct route, from my house via the notorious ul. Poloneza. I got as far as ul. Ludwinowska and could go no further. Ahead of me were cars axle-deep in mud. Fortunately help was close at hand, as construction plant was in use just around the corner (Ludwinowska is being re-asphalted). The driver of the red Corolla above has just been hauled out of the morass by the digger. Two other vehicles in a similar predicament had just been freed (or had got themselves out). And remember - this is just over six miles from the very epicentre of Warsaw. Imagine such a scene in Chiswick, London W4.

I had to detour via ul. PuĊ‚awska, less crowded because of the half-term holidays, but still an extra 20 minutes on my journey time! I fear Poloneza will be a no-go zone for several weeks yet.

Above: Friday morning - General Winter takes over from General Mud. A brief freeze and the mud is (just about) hard enough to drive over. By the evening, the snow was gone.

This time last year:
Similar weather - snow comes, snow goes
Similar weather - snow goes, snow comes

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