My new online project...

Sunday 11 January 2009

Sunny, snowy Jeziorki

A glorious day emerged from a dull dawn, time to grab the camera and get out and about. Above: Just across the railway line, looking towards Zgorzała. Note the texture of the snow.

The snow has grown an icy crust; this is not the virgin powder of a few days ago. If the Inuit have 16 words for snow, surely the Poles should at least have four; today's snow, like sugary icing on a meringue pie, is quite different from last week's soft, freshly-fallen snow. May I suggest lukiernica? Right: trees and drainage ditch on ul. Karczunkowska, near W-wa Jeziorki station.

Above: At the pedestrian level crossing, the footpath at the end of ul. Kórnicka. A classic Jeziorki view. An osóbka from Radom bound for W-wa Wschodnia, between Jeziorki and Dawidy.

Above: An express (pośpieszny) headed for Kraków from Suwałki.

This time last year:
Eddie's giant soap bubble


  1. Heh... I've felt, that You got out with your camera today, like me with my "little" Canon!!! =) It was really nice sunny day to do some subject area was very similar to yours...nice photos of Sluzew's orchards by winter. =)

  2. Hey KG - are you publishing your photos of Służew anywhere?

  3. Thanks Michael for your interest! =)
    I created new Picasa account with some of my photos, but don't expect too my opinion this very poor quality of the pics =)
    New photos- coming soon.
    Look in "Zmiany - poprostu" gallery.
    I was shocked, when I saw old shrine restored last time on the corner of Wirazowa and Winiarska (Okecie).

