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Monday 5 January 2009

This Charming Man

Here's Aleksander Kosterski in front of his first Christmas tree, nine and half months old. Button-bright, inquisitive, confident and affectionate, I predict that this little fellow will go far. Here he is again, aged three weeks.

Aleksander was fascinated by my camera. Flash! Snap! I turn it round - and there's a little picture on the back. Each time I took a photo, he beckoned to me to show him the result. I'd turn it to face him, he'd point and gurgle.

This time last year:
Five departures from Okęcie


  1. What a lovely little fellow - his parents must be very proud of him! Amazing that he apparently understood that you were taking pictures of him at such a young age!

  2. We enjoyed your visit Michał, as usual, and are suitably pleased that Oleś made a positive impression. A good time was had by all I hope.

    From the photo I can't tell if we haven't wiped his mouth of carrot or if his lactose/ glutomin sensitivity was flaring up. Mind you he's producing his eighth tooth so he tends to dribble and rub it into his cheeks when nibbling everything - another reason to put everything he can in his mouth. Remember doing that?

    I'm not sure if Oleś knows if the image he sees on the camera back is of him, but he certainly knows something bright appears everytime that camera clicks so he wants to see it.
    Naturally if anyone asks I say he's checking the exposure :).
