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Saturday 7 February 2009

Work on motorway junction continues apace

Oh what a beautiful morning! After the snows of the last weeks, the first warm day of the year; by lunchtime it was +12C, hottest it's been all year. Eddie and I went for a walk towards Okęcie to see what progress had been made on the motorway junction since last week. Loads is the answer. Work was in full swing today, with diggers, tractors and dump trucks all active. Below: the company doing the clearance work is Kruszer, its yellow vehicles are all over the place. Here's an ex-Polish Army Star 66 mobile workshop, now serving as a site office.

Much of the undergrowth, shrubs, bushes and trees has been cleared along where the north-south S7 emerge from Warsaw to meet with the east-west S2 . Below: Driving from Budapest into Warsaw, you will be passing this landscape. Railway and ul. Wirażowa to your right, airport to your left.

Below: Having just left Warsaw en route to Kraków or Budapest, you will be driving through this landscape. Rails to your left. I was right last week - that particular set of views, that atmosphere, has gone for ever. The pace of change is accelerating.

But where will this road lead to? I can see this bit (the S79), being the extention of ul. Wirażowa from the airport, running under the Poleczki viaduct and on to ul. Sasanki, ready in 12 months or so. But so what - the east-west S2 motorway is running years behind. And the S7 running south from this junction and onto Lesznowola is also not likely to happen for several years yet.

The reason I foresee for delays for building the S2 and the S7 is the large number of houses and plots in the way. Some, like the one above, on ul. Poloneza, have already been abandoned. But I'm sure there will be other owners who will obstinately fight the development.

FOLLOW UP: By 14 March, the summerhouse above has gone, levelled with the ground. Not a trace to show that it once stood here.

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