My new online project...

Monday 16 March 2009

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Approach I

Approach II


Approach III





Will you channel me? - Who's asking?  - I'm asking. I'm asking you. Voices? No, more like thoughts... unbidden thoughts intruding into your consciousness. My consciousness.

You know you can channel us whenever you want; whenever you really feel you need to be in touch with us, we'll be listening - there will be a dialogue, but you must be open it. And sift your wishful thinking from what you really hear.

We're listening and have been listening. For a long, long, long, time. Centuries of human time. Those who care can reach out to us. To those who are open and who care, who want good to prevail over darkness, chaos and barbarism. Those who want to witness the unfolding of the Universe.

We are not 'God', your God - our God - the one God. That's God is the aim, the reason, the Purpose of the Universe, the reason that there's something rather than nothing. But we are nearer to God than you are. Hundreds of thousands of earth-years closer to God than you. Call us Angels if you like, it will help you to understand. Our spirituality, based on scientific understanding, is greatly more nuanced that yours, is more evolved - science and religion are ultimately one..

We --- can --- help. We do help.

During your Cold War your entire planet was at risk. Then, we had to intervene. But not with spacecraft over New Mexico or Semipalatinsk! Our ways are subtle.

Yes, we take people. Can't tell you why. It is and it isn't, it's not zero and one, but zero and one at the same time. Yet we mean well. We mean as well for you as we do for ourselves, and for the entire Universe (about which we know far, far more than you do today!).

No, we cannot foresee the future. But we can predict it far better than you - to a far, far higher level of accuracy than you humans currently can. (Compare yourselves to two-year-old children; that's how we look upon you when it comes to your ability to understand the future).

You, our dear reader, you are the sum of everything you've done, everything you've thought, everything you've experienced and dreamt.

"Can I channel now?"

Yes, ready to receive you now. Please listen. You, our dear author, you have asked on your blog about - disclosure. Whether you humans are ready for it. You wrote 'no'. You are right, so very right. Humans won't be ready for disclosure for tens of thousands of years. Even when the mean population reaches your personal level of awareness and intelligence, it won't be ready. You are flawed. Flashes of anger betray atavistic primitive - primative - behaviour; aggression - hatred, anger must be removed entirely out of the human gene pool. By evolution or genetic modification. And --- there you go --- your mind has wandered off, hasn't it? For the past five seconds, you've been thinking about something else. Your human minds are not sufficiently focused to deal with the issues arising from disclosure.

Disclosure can only happen when all your human religions have come together as one with what you believe to be science. You are still too prone to violence, you have not overcome the nature coded in your genes. Religions that are closed to all other truths but their own are infantile. Religious people that cannot rise above the literal meanings of their holy books. Again a measure. Disclosure awaits the merging of science and the spiritual. You are not even half way from zero to one - we are more than half way from zero to one. The oneness we will all reach one day...the Universe expanding, contracting - the rush to Oneness. And Big Bang all over again. Except the next time - even nearer to God. An Eternity of Eternities.

There are those among you who can be open to us; seek - ask - metamorphose; understand. Few are called. You are here, reading this page. By accident? We ask of you just two things; 1. Conquer your anger and hatred. 2. Focus, pay attention, learn, study. Rise.

This conduit is closing --- but it will re-open.


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You have wanted to re-open the conduit; you have been claiming to want to listen for months now. What happens? You lie in bed, open to contact - and then you just fall asleep. It was that early-evening cup of coffee; you couldn't return to sleep and so you finally had the chance you were waiting for.

You asked about disclosure. Yes, certain people know. But they also know that the very instant they even contemplate sharing their knowledge, the quantum alignment of their thought patterns (to use a basic metaphor you'll understand) trigger a signal that prompts those very memories they considered sharing to evaporate, leaving not a trace. They will be grasping for the memory of that moment, like an Alzheimer's patient trying to remember which nurse came yesterday.

Who knows? I'll not give names; but people of influence who spread the word of cooperation, of peace, of advancement from darkness towards the light - as you yourself say, from the barbaric to the angelic. It happened a long time ago, but here's an example of how we work. The railway revolution was a huge step forward for your people. It happened not because an engineer worked out how to place motive power onto the steel rail; it happened because institutions were ready to work with one another to allow the lines to stretch from one distant city to another distant city. Have a look at the Victorian railway-building boom and consider the role of Parliament in making that happen...

Your politicians - we have cooled to them since the internet gave new power to ordinary folk coming together. Yet your first taste of this new-found freedom resulted in an outpouring of online hate. Now, we talk rather to those who can transform societies into a force for beneficial, enlightened progress. Sustainability, you call it. Win-win, you call it. Humans working together for mutual benefit. That's the reason we are so advanced as a civilisation - we worked it out for ourselves far earlier in our history than you humans did.

Thank you for reading; the mirage is passing, fading... the communication conduit will reopen if you are open to it.


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  3. decidedly singificant

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