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Monday 2 March 2009

Lenten recipe 3

Prawn and beansprout stir-fry with spinach


15 medium prawns, whole; 100g of mixed sprouts (bean, chickpea, lentil, brocolli, Pokarm Życia brand); 100g fresh spinach; fresh corriander.


Remove stalks from spinach, wash, place in pan with minimum of heat to reduce. I'd make a larger amount for use in three or four dishes, with single clove of garlic, then place cooked in fridge for use later. Peel the prawns. Again, I'd buy half a kilo - usually around 45 to 50 prawns, peel the lot, and refrigerate.

Heat some sunflower oil on large frying pan or wok. When oil is hot, throw on prawns, heat thoroughly for four minutes. Then add the mixed sprouts, half a 200g container is enough for one portion. Stir in the spinach, heat until everything is piping hot. When ready to serve, garnish with fresh corriander leaves, sprinkle with Tabasco hot pepper sauce. Eat while before it cools!

Because most of the ingredients have been prepared earlier, this is quick to make and so an excellent hearty breakfast. A portion like this today kept me going from 7:30 am to four in the afternoon, with just some grapes and orange juice in between.

This time last year:
Dramatic sunset, gales.
Ul. Baletowa before retarmacking
Tourist trails through Jeziorki

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