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Tuesday 28 April 2009

In search of the Sublime Aesthetic (I)

Late April, and the weather has been perfectly cloudless ever since our return from London three weeks ago. Too dry, the meteorologists and farmers say, but to enjoy +23C at this time of year is something very pleasant. Especially with a southern wind to take the edge off the heat. Above: The view from W-wa Jeziorki station shortly before sunset.

I returned home in good time to get the bike out and catch the last rays of the sun. Below: Pigeon tumbling in Jeziorki. The polarising filter darkens the twilit sky making it deeper, bluer; the setting sun throws pinky-red rays against the birds' underside.

Two days earlier, I caught this view of the house lit by the last of the evening sun, picking out the apple blossom agains the deep blue.

Moments like this create a sense of well-being that in conducive to spiritual thoughts, a higher form of consciousness that brings one to that Keatsian beauty/truth, truth/beauty interface once more.

The most beautiful time of year in Warsaw - the ten weeks from mid-April to late June.

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