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Tuesday 14 April 2009

Lent 2009 - a summary

At the end of each Lent, I determine not to return in full to my usual pre-Lenten pattern of snacking on salty things and not eating enough fruit. The more effective Lent is, the easier it is to carry on. I have sailed on with the exercises, for example; 160 sit-ups today (80+80) and 50 press-ups (25+25). I must now see how long that goes on for.

I've not bothered to weigh myself at the end, for weight was not the issue (I'm the same weight I was when leaving university - 11 and half stone). Rather it's to do with shifting inches from around the middle, and a two-inch reduction (from 40.25" to 38.25") has been a good result. But another two inches is required (to 36 inches around the fattest part), so the sit-ups will continue. Red wine (glass a night) is good for health as is chocolate (black, low suger and milk content). Butter and cheese I need for the bones. Meat - I shall not go out of my way to avoid if offered, but given a choice, I shall opt for fish. And of course, fruit and veg, in abundance.

And a final Lenten recipe. Alaskan wild salmon is something else. Redder than the farmed variety, gamier in taste, this is gorgeous stir-fried with mixed bean sprouts and served with Tabasco, ground pepper and lemon juice.

This time last year:
The accelerating pace of change

This time two years ago:
Polish Air Force transport planes flying into Warsaw Okęcie
Field behind our house: ploughed, sown and growing
Hare on ul. Trombity
Roadkill on ul. Trombity
Weather patterns, Warsaw, spring 2007

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