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Sunday 19 April 2009

Pace of development falters

Looking east towards Mysiadło from Zgorzała, the Little Boxes estate. These fields were to be filled with new housing, but I feel that the galloping pace of development around these parts has slowed right down. There's no sign of anything going on at the Rampa site, purchased by Spanish developer Sando Inmobilieria.

While on my walk today, I bump into fellow local blogger Student-SGH who shares my reservations about these new estates. They've been built without any thought as to how their residents will get into town - from here, you have at least a 30 minute drive to get to ul. Puławska during the rush hour - and Puławska is already totally congested without hundreds of new residents' cars adding to the throng.

The new estates will no doubt take longer than planned to complete; longer than planned to sell. And the fields in between will, I hope, remain farmed for a few more years.

One thing that's great about living in Jeziorki is that planning permission is unlikely to be granted for developments of rows upon rows of identical terraced houses. Jeziorki's architectural look and feel is rather one-off detached houses.

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