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Tuesday 7 April 2009

Six weeks into Lent

No quitting, no caving in, no compromise. Lent continues towards its end. Except I think I shall maintain the exercise and stick with a diet that's rich in fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. Processed meat shall be eaten only in cases of emergency, red meat, fast food extremely rarely. Evening comfort food snacking on crisps and peanuts shall end. And moderation shall accompany intake of caffeine and alcohol. There. Nothing like making one's resolutions public.

Sit-ups - 140 a day (two lots of 70), press-ups - 45 today (23 and 22). Another quarter inch off the middle (38 and a quarter inches - two whole inches lost in six weeks of diet and sit-ups. Men, it can be done).

This time last year:
Foggy morn in Jeziorki
Aleksander aged three weeks


  1. agh, I tried to give up alcohol for Lent and caved pretty spectacularly on the fourth Sunday after a translation-filled weekend...

  2. Well that's still the best part of four weeks and good for the liver - the only human organ able to regenerate - try again next year!
