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Saturday 4 April 2009

Węzeł Lotnisko after site clearance

Further to yesterday's post, here's a view of the future site of Węzeł Lotnisko (airport junction). This view, looking south-south east, shows that the clearance work here has been completed. Until the beginning of this year, this was all trees and summer houses. Cutting across left to right is ul. Karnawał, ul. Złoty Róg runs off it to the south. So - when will the actual road building begin? Below: Looking west along ul. Karnawał. One day, the S2 Warsaw Southern Bypass will run this way towards Konotopa and the A2 motorway to Poznań and Berlin. 2012?

Below: Looking east towards Ursynów. In the foreground the rails that lead from the main line to the Warsaw Metro depot at Kabaty. The new S2 Warsaw Southern Bypass will run to the north of the line, through those houses that are still in the way. Until a few weeks ago, there would have been a lovely old farmhouse in this view (corner of ul. Karnawał and ul. Hołubcowa). The foreshortening effect of the 80-400mm Nikkor at full stretch makes the flats of Ursynów in the distance look much closer than they really are.

The weather today was actually hot (+22C), not just warm. Which is amazing - nine days from heavy snow to shirtsleeve weather.

This time last year:
Classic Polish Car
Quintessential Warsaw vista

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