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Thursday 7 May 2009

Landing over Ursynów

Most of the time, aircraft inbound to land at Okęcie use Runway 33, assuming a prevailing north-west wind. With the wind blowing from the south, they'll take off from Runway 15 (the same one, but pointing the other way). So much of the time, planes are landing or taking off over Jeziorki. Which, as I've blogged before, is cool with us. When the wind is strongly from due west, planes will land over densly populated Ursynów.

Once a year, ususally in June, Runway 15/33 is closed for repair. Planes then use the other one (11/29), landing on Runway 29. This is met with howls of protest from residents of Ursynów, while I say "hurry up and fix that runway, because I miss my planes!"

Above: A LOT Polish Airlines Boeing 767 flies over Platan Park, ul. Poloneza earlier this morning.
And the weather has changed back again; after yesterday's dark skies and rainfall, it's set fair once more.

This time last year:
On being assertive in Poland


  1. My Dad (to join Mom) is going to his place in Kabaty in a few weeks. He hates the planes-When do you think they will go back to using Runway 15/33?
    I love your blog and check it every day.

    Andrew in Calif.

  2. Thanks for the kind comment! It's feedback like this that keeps bloggers blogging on.

    In answer to your question:

    Runway 15/33 will be closed until tomorrow morning at 10:00. Half an hour later, Runway 11/29 will be closed until 25 May, Ursynów will have 11 days of guaranteed peace and quiet. After the repairs are complete, the runway used for landing/take off will be entirely dependent on wind. As the north-westerly prevails over the westerly, the use of 11/29 for landing is relatively infrequent.

    A2321/09 - RWY 11/29 CLSD FOR ARR AND TKOF DUE TO TECR. 14 MAY 10:30 2009 UNTIL 25 MAY 10:00
    2009. CREATED: 24 APR 10:32 2009

    A2320/09 - RWY 15/33 CLSD FOR ARR AND TKOF DUE TO TECR. 11 MAY 06:00 2009 UNTIL 14 MAY 10:00
    2009. CREATED: 24 APR 10:30 2009

  3. I passed your information to Dad, he says; "thanks".

    Andrew in Calif.

  4. I think when they close down that runway for repair, I'll have a small, plane-shaped hole in my heart (and eardrum) when I can no longer watch the planes take off out my office window.
