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Sunday 10 May 2009

Sweet summer rain, like God's own mercy

An early thunderstorm brings some blessed relief to the drought but the rain fell for only a few minutes. Right: Dark clouds to the east, the storm passes over. Houses on ul. Sarabandy lit by sunlight from the west. It has been a very dry four weeks. Farmers and economists are looking to the skies for much needed precipitation. Without it crops fail and food prices rise. Food is still a significant part of Poland's inflation basket. Deflation is hitting the UK and America, while consumer price inflation in Poland is still growing at an annualised rate of 3.9%.

With all the other woes circling the economy, a poor crop caused by drought would be particularly unwelcome.

Below: the downpour from my bedroom window, photo taken just a few minutes before the one above. We could have done with a few hours of rain.

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