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Sunday 13 December 2009

Cheaper by taxi

Coming back from a lads' night out (celebrating Adam R's 49th), I take a cab from Metro Wilanowska. It delivers me at home eight minutes later, where I receive a pleasant surprise. The fare is a mere 34zł 80, lower than it's been in years. Later, I realise why. On Karczunkowska, I see a new roadsign (above left - looking west, right - looking east towards ul. Puławska). This is the second (outer Warsaw) taxi zone boundary, and it has been moved from ul. Ludwinowska to Jeziorki, three kilometres further out. This means a typical saving of nine zlotys for a taxi ride home after 22:00. This is the second southward extension of the taxi zone since we moved to Jeziorki (originally the border was just beyond ul. Poleczki, by the Statoil garage). These two extensions have moved the second taxi zone boundary out 5km further south and save me 15 zł a ride.

Taxi drivers were less than enthusiastic about the move, and intend to take the city authorities to court. However, with these lower prices, I for one will be more inclined to take a cab home rather than the draughty old 709 bus.

By the way, notice the lack of pavement on either side of ul. Karczunkowska. The city was planning to do something back in January - but didn't follow through. All that surveying work went to waste.

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