My new online project...

Sunday 24 January 2010

Compositions in white, blue and gold

Cloudless winter's day, sharp frost, sunset; the ingredients for the perfectly magickal walk, serene and transcendent.

Above: ul. Kórnicka, the footpath approaching the railway crossing. Footprints of wildlife outnumber those of humans.

Above: Abandoned greenhouse, ul. Trombity, seen from railway line.

Right: Setting sun over Jeziorki; to its right, the radio mast at Raszyn, to its left, houses in Dawidy Poduchowne. The snowfields are covered by a thin icy layer covering about half a metre of compacted snow beneath.

Below: Home again - Trombity, dusk.


  1. Sun sets just after 4pm (today it's 16:08 CET). The day's already longer than the shortest day by nearly one hour.
