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Friday 8 January 2010

Winter's walk to work

I continue my recent habit of walking to Platan Park from home (nearly 6km) which I can do in just over an hour despite the snow. Ul. Poloneza is still cut, necessitating a detour. Work on the S2 is still very much underway, no respite for the weather; the viaduct over the expressway seems to be the main priority. Below: House on Poloneza. I fear when the viaduct is completed, this road will become much busier.

My little detour skirting the roadworks on Poloneza deposits me on ul. Krasnowolska, where I take this photo (right) of a drainage ditch filled with snow. This one flows into the pond located along Poloneza, to the north of the Metro rail link and the new S2. Below: Further along Poloneza, the drainage canal that feeds into the pond along ul. Hołubcowa. Beyond it, the airport.

A four mile walk is as good a way as any to start the working day. Going by car, this journey would take 40 minutes, by bus, 50 (one way or the other I'd have to use the desperately congested ul. Puławska).

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