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Friday 22 January 2010

Work on S79 continues, despite cold

The temperature hit -12C this morning, but work on the S79 between Węzeł Lotnisko and ul. Sasanki continued unhindered. I snapped away through the grubby and iced-over window of the train (which was on time for a change) into town.

Right: just beyond the level crossing on ul. Karnawał. One can see that the general contractor Teerag-Asbag is not slacking. Along the whole stretch, diggers, tractors, graders, bulldozers and piledrivers were at work. This morning, we woke to blue skies, a welcome sight after three weeks where we had a day and half of sunshine. The temperature is due to fall to -20C overnight; I wonder if they'll be working tomorrow...

The soul rejoices in the sight; the sound of footsteps on snow at -12C is quite different from how they sound at -3C.

A chunk of icy snow, kicked along the pavement, sounds like a block of balsa wood.

Below: somewhere between W-wa Okęcie and W-wa Służewiec.

Below: Panoramic shot of work underway by ul. Sasanki, where the intersection at the top end of the S79 will be. The piledriver is working right up by the rails. Just visible at the right is the Sasanki viaduct.


  1. I hope the road will be opened in two years. The next serious step should be the construction of Puławska-bis.

    A propos photography...
