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Sunday 7 February 2010

Along the Transwersalna again - in winter

A favourite walk of ours, along the disused tracks of what once was the Galician Transversal Railway, built by the Austro-Hungarians in the mid-1880s. Sadly, trains have stopped running here last year; PKP Line 104 between Chabówka and Nowy Sącz is now defunct. The views, the atmosphere, the klimat is quite wonderful. It would be quite tragic to lose this line, but given the understandable situation of PKP finances, a cycle track would be a reasonable alternative to ensure that tourists can continue to enjoy the scenery.

Up from Dobra winds the line, climbing westwards towards Skrzydlna, the highest point on Polish railway. The snow has totally covered the track, making it much harder to walk.

Above: The streams that criss-cross under the line are all hidden under deep drifts. Here, higher up, the trees are covered in szadź, the hoar-frost or rime brought about by freezing fog. Numerous tracks of wild animals can be seen among the trees, mainly hare.

Above: What's round the corner? Beyond Szkrzydlna, the track dips down towards Kasina Wielka. Below: The approaches to Kasina Wielka station, abandoned signal box in the distance. At the station is the ski-slope, which today was packed solid with skiers from Kraków, Wieliczka and Wadowice. We wait with our skiing until tomorrow.


  1. szadź not siadź

  2. Thanks! Duly corrected. More szadź today...

  3. In winter this railway line can be explored on skis - much easier than on foot :-)

    Here's a picture I took there the previous winter:
