My new online project...

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Another Lent begins

"Hey, Mr. Bartender, don't you be so slow.
I've got time for just one more round, and a six-pack to go,
Tomorrow's Ash Wednesday, I ain't gonna worry no,
So please Mr. Bartender, one six pack to go."*

Once more, I've quit alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy products, salt, salt snacks, fast food, confectionary, chocolate and cake for 46 days and shall rejoin humanity on Easter Sunday. Time for exercising the Will, focusing on Things Spiritual, ridding my body of toxins, and forcing myself to be more creative. I start Lent with 39 inches (99cm) round my waist and an aim to cut that by two inches (5cm). The good thing is that a year ago, before Lent, I was 40.5 inches in girth, so progress is clearly there. Follow me on my journey.

*Acknowledgements to Hank Thompson


  1. I may join you, at least on the alcohol and sweet things part...

  2. Do join - you will feel so much better for it at the end.

  3. Lesley & I are with you again re. no alcohol. Can't live without tea though.

  4. Off to Saudi again this week. I guess I'll be joining you for abstinence of alcohol. That's until I can get the still going! Good luck Michael

  5. Michael - as Ingrid Bergman(?) said, 'we'll always have the whiskey night to remember'.

    Ewa is quite curious about your annual rites - I am sure we will meet during lent.


    PS: Don't cry for Chrisoz - I am sure he will find a way around the local regs!

  6. Bob - the whisky in the picture is (was!) the last of the Seagrams Crown Royal 54 yr-old. We shall not drink its likes again!

  7. My heart is heavy Michael but it was great to share it with you!


  8. Hmmm, really liked the taste of that whisky - very easy drinking :) Not like the Ardbeg.
    No white balance adjustment when taking the photo - a function you don't use on the camera or a deliberate decision?

  9. I wanted to give the impression of a warm, alcoholic fug. I did this by taking three shots under warm artificial light, hand held, then superimposing two of them (at a low opacity) over the first one, slightly offset and zoomed in a touch, one zoomed out a touch.

  10. You wrote "exercising the Will", I read "exercising the Wii". LOL! And I guess that is a very clear indication of what *I* should give up for Lent.
