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Saturday 13 March 2010

Winter still holds in the forest

It may surprise my readers from Warsaw that though the snow's retreated from the city's pavements leaving only piles of icy grey heaps here and there, the Las Kabacki forest is still experiencing a proper snow-covered winter. After lunch the skies cleared, so it was time to check it out.

Above: a cyclist coming the other way. As he passed, he said that the going would be tough. Indeed it was - there's only one surface I hate cycling over more than snow - soft sand. My first journey into the forest since November, the remaining snow here came as a complete surprise. I thought at least the paths would be clear - but not a bit of it.

Right: a better way of getting round the forest - cross-country skis. Although the forest was nearly empty as sunny Saturdays go, the people I did see were very active, with plenty of joggers and nordic walkers taking their exercise.

Within a week spring will have theoretically arrived, although I predict that it will be at least a fortnight before we start seeing the first real signs of nature exploding back into life. And the masses of remaining snow in the forest - when it melts, the place will be waterlogged for a long time.

So - if you're missing the snow already, you can still find lots of it in the Las Kabacki.

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