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Thursday 22 July 2010

Hot in the city

Eight o'clock in the morning and it's already +26C. Right: on my way to my first meeting today, strolling along ul. Piękna, the sun is glaring off the pavement and tarmac. Holidays mean far fewer people around than usual, which is a blessed relief. By mid-afternoon, the temperature will reach +35C; it would not fall back below +30C until ten o'clock at night.

In the office I reflect upon the regenerative properties of a good active holiday (as opposed to the blobbing out in beachfront hotel variety). I feel energetic and in a very good frame of mind, despite the heat. And I ponder upon the following: if atoms can store energy, surely they can also store memory? Remember, the atoms you and I are made of have been around for billions of years.


  1. your comments about atoms and memory made me think about the concept of qualagens, a hypothetical physical property of matter linked to consciousness.

  2. Hmm... Do you mean this? (Scroll towards the bottom)
