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Monday 20 September 2010

Last bike ride to work this summer

But the bike will not remain garaged. Tomorrow, shortly before midnight, it will be the autumnal equinox and once again the balance between light and dark northern hemisphere will once more shift towards the dark side, with more nighttime than day. In three months time, we'll be down to just over seven and half hours of daylight a day in Warsaw.

So when the sun shines, it behoves us to make the most of it, gather in those mood-lifting rays and enjoy the warmth. Today, I tried a new way into town by bike. From the race course at Służewiec, rather than use the bicycle path along Dolina Służewiecka, I follow the route of the canal. The track runs through some muddy puddles but is basically fine, and a pleasant alternative to riding alongside the busy road.

Above: blocks of flats to the left, a crane on the horizon suggests that more blocks will shortly appear. The canal here is actually a drainage ditch for the airport, channelling rainwater from the flat plains of Okęcie towards the Vistula.


  1. Looks very neat and trim out there, park-like.
    Is that the track that you travel on? Must be exciting when someone comes from the opposite direction, even on that stretch of dual carriageway in the first photo.
    I heard that there are plans to build some kind of major kompleks sportowo-widowiskowy by the race course. That would add a few cranes to the horizon.

  2. @Ryszard, the local unemployment office corrals those that are without work to sweep leaves, shovel snow and mow public lawns. So Warsaw can look nice from time to time!

    The race course is immediately behind me in these photos, though about a km or two back.
