My new online project...

Thursday 21 October 2010

My talented daughter!

Moni's first proper attempt at directing and shooting a short movie. Edited and co-directed by her schoolmate Alan, it's a promo for her school's theatre festival, which takes place at Liceum Kochanowskiego on 26th-28th November. I'm amazed at the quality.

The settings are immediately familiar; the Warsaw Metro, the Central Station, Powiśle.

Moni's also writing a short play for the festival. My daughter is an improved, female version of me, who outshines me by far. Huge potential. I have no talent with the moving image or music; I limit myself to the written word and photography.


  1. Michael I showed this to my girlfriend who works in film production for a company in Sluchew and she said it was excellent for a first go!

  2. Well there you go. A career in movie-making beckons :-)

  3. It's definitely one of the most challenging industries to break into from a starting point, but I find the Poles are very suited to film making and production with excellent schools of theatre and dance (I seem to recall the Krakow film production course is the best in the country) and a tradition as I am sure you know of arts both in public and private.

  4. the great tradition of Polish cinema.


    Very well made.

    Shooting at night is especially difficult, isn't it?

  5. Excellent!
    My daughter will also be attending film school next year. She has won a couple of competitions, and represented New Mexico in (scholastic) national competitions.
    Perhaps they should collaborate :)

  6. What a great job!
    They should be very proud of themselves.
