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Saturday 2 October 2010

Nowa Iwiczna's thoughtless dash for growth

After getting to Nowa Iwiczna, I returned along the other side of the tracks to see how the new housing developments in the fields between NI and Zgorzała were looking. Below: the crossroads where ul. Kielecka, ul. Przepiórki, ul. Dzikiej Róży, ul. Gogolińska and Al. Zgody meet.

Over 150 houses (and no doubt 225 cars, all trying to force their way into Warsaw of a morning) have sprung up in these fields since 2008. Looking at the April 2009 images of this area on Google Earth ( 52° 5'50.56"N, 20°59'29.49"E) you'll see no houses at the north end of this development. Today, the houses are complete and people have already moved in. No shops, no amenities, no social life. One road in, one road out. And a muddy field to cross to get to the station.

Above: the sky is magnificently moody as the sun sinks down behind the heavy, low clouds. Below: on to Jeziorki, and a wonderful sunset over the railway tracks. I'm delighted that Jeziorki has not been spoilt by over-sized, ill-thought through housing development.

1 comment:

  1. Those photos in Google Earth have been purchased from

    I don't know if you remember but when me met there in April 2009 the construction of the estate you snapped had just kicked off. Those all fruits of pre-crisis boom, now you'd be hard pushed to find a new development project which went under way within last two years.

    And I agree, Jeziorki has a spirit, NI lacks it and will lack it, it will remain a lacklustre suburb :(
