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Friday 21 January 2011

Another winter walk to work

I have proved that it is quicker in winter to walk the five and half km to Platan Park to work in the morning than it is to walk to the bus stop, stand in wretched traffic jams, and walk from Puławska to Platan Park. The walk is more aesthetically pleasing anyway. So off we go. Below: frozen wetlands, ul. Trombity. Silver birches blend in with the snowy landscape.

Below: frozen flooded fields and orchards, ul. Kórnicka. Temperature: just below zero.

Below: Narrowest point of ul. Poloneza; a car cannot pass a pedestrian here.

Below: out on the perimeter - taxi zone 2 starts here. Though 'going south of the river after dark' would be preferable to a London cabbie to driving down ul Poloneza.

Below: would you believe the muddy, narrow, rutted track in the two photos above gets carried over the nascent S2 South Warsaw Ring Road here. Same road. The cost of building the viaduct here is 100 times greater than asphalting the rest of this appalling thoroughfare.

Click here to see the same place on my 50th birthday. What a difference.


  1. Michael - do you mean that the viaduct is replacing Poloneza or traveling over it?


  2. The viaduct will take ul. Poloneza (!) over the four-lane southern bypass, the S2 that will one day link Berlin, Warsaw and Moscow.
