My new online project...

Saturday 5 February 2011

You moles had better learn not to do this

It rained all night and all day. The temperature rocketed up to +9C. The snows receded. And what should emerge from under the snow... mole hills. Thousands of 'em.

I have been prepared for this eventuality. Eddie and I removed the spoil from the lawn (120 litres of it!) and then we set to work. A certain fluid, known to discourage the moles, was carefully poured down each and every hole. And each hole has been capped with a glass jar screwed deep into the soil so that its bottom is flush with the lawn. And we shall continue doing so until the moles select somewhere else for their antisocial activities.

This time last year:
Beautiful winter in Jeziorki

This time two years ago:
Getting ready for Lent

This time three years ago:
Lent begins at midnight


  1. MichaƂ, perhaps you need to host a 'stein hoist' or 'beer blast' if you restore the 'fluid' levels in your garden warehouse?

  2. He, he, he! There is big money in finding an effective mole cure, big money! Build a reliable mole trap, and the world will beat a path to your door.

  3. You'd better collect 120 litres of the certain fluid and pour, wait until it begins to stink really horridly and pour litres of it onto moles' corridors. In my garden it worked miracle. Moles had never assaulted us in such a violent way but only litres worked as an excellent repellent. Since September 2009 moles have not dared to return!

    Take a few buckets, put them in the garage and next weekend you'll have the stuff necessary to carry out the operation ;)

  4. Michael - same thing here. Have been using the same liquid; perhaps they are becoming either immune to it or are enjoying the warmth.

    My neighbor (an ogrodnik)has told me he has found some type of traps quite effective for his clients - I have asked to get a couple. I will let you know what transpires once we have them and have the opportunity to place them.


  5. @ all

    The treatment works - you just need to be consistent. It's difficult when there's snow cover and when it's dark when I'm leaving home and when I get back from work. Winter, therefore, gives moles good cover. As the days get longer and the snows retreat, I'll be continuing to deal with the moles this way. After all, the last treatment kept the lawn clear of moles from September right through to February.

  6. Grrr, I was considering writing a post about moles popping up, as I have spotted a few places they have congregated since the recent 'heat-wave'.
