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Tuesday 8 March 2011

Antonov landing

Walking to Platan Park, I saw an increasingly rare shape in the sky - an Antonov An-12 transport plane coming into land at Okęcie. This one (RA-11363) belongs to a Russian airfreight company, Kosmos (Kocmoc in Cyrillic).

Tuesday morning was dull but the day brightened up. Above: the An-12 on final approach seen over the rooftops of houses on ul. Krasnowolska. Below: it disappears behind the trees on ul. Hołubcowa. The plane was very noisy and very smoky. Just how smoky these aircraft are, which have been flying since the late 1950s, is apparent on this photo.

Here's a photo of another An-12 coming into land at Okęcie, this time a Ukrainian one.

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