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Monday 21 March 2011

First day of spring

At long last spring. Not that this winter's been bad, you understand. Pierwszy dzień wiosny - dzień wagarowicza - 'the first day of spring - truant's day', traditionally with a nod and a wink to unofficially sanctioned bunking-off school, or indeed work. So no substantive blog post today, dear readers! And a linguistic point here - the difference between pozwolenie (consent) and przyzwolenie (assent). Przyzwolenie has the sense of 'turning a blind eye to something'.

Although today started sunny and cold (+0.7C at sunrise, ice on puddles), it warmed up to an acceptable (for the first day of spring) +8.1C before cooling off in the evening. And I'm waking up naturally at 5:20 am - high time for the clocks to go forward.

Now that the winter of 2010-11 is over, it's worth taking a look back over it in detail; this outstanding post by Student SGH at Politics, Economy, Society gives a day-by-day account of just how cold it was (or wasn't) and when the snows came (and melted). One for the records.

Now fingers crossed for Nature's swift return to life, with warm, dry days to lower the water table (which around Jeziorki remains dangerously high). Links to past First Days of Spring below:

This time last year:
A stirring sight

This time two years ago:
Springtime in West London

This time three years ago:
Snowstorm on the first day of spring

1 comment:

  1. ah spring...we're expecting 5-10 cm of snow tomorrow.
