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Wednesday 16 March 2011

A week into Lent

No problem whatsoever (apart from that goats cheese in our spinach pancakes the other day). Having started preparing for Lent in the New Year, and what with that run-up being long due to the lateness of Easter this year, I was in good form to start fasting.

I weaned myself off caffeine by switching from a monstrous blast of Lavazza Qualita d'Oro to an ever-diminishing amount of instant coffee in the morning, tapering down to almost zero. But still a very slight background headache persisted until today. So only fruit teas, mineral waters and fruit juice to drink. No alcohol - no problem.

Snacking is a bit tricky - the temptation to make an impulse purchase of confectionary or salt snacks while buying a paper is strong, but dried fruit and (unsalted) nuts are the answer here.

Having started physical exercises in the New Year, I'm doing really well compared to this stage in Lents gone by. Today I managed 30 press-ups - I think maybe a lifetime record; sit-ups I'm holding steady. The important bit is that since Lent started, I'm doing two lots, morning (5:45 am) and evening, just before going to bed.

Lenten Recipe No. 9*:
Smoked salmon, mushroom and cous-cous breakfast

Ingredients (per person): 80g smoked salmon, 200g champignon mushrooms, quarter of a cupful of cous-cous, half a chilli pepper (hot), fresh leaf corriander, ginger, sunflower oil, balsamic vinegar.

Method: Slice mushrooms, pour boiling water over cous-cous. Pour some sunflower oil onto pan and heat. When hot, place slices of salmon onto the pan, then mushroom slices. Stir in. Add two dashes of balsamic vinegar. When cous-cous has absorbed the water and is fluffy, add to the salmon and mushrooms. Cut chilli pepper into the pan, then corriander; grate some ginger. Stir for a few minutes on high heat; serve. Tasty, healthy and nutricious. Takes 8-10 minutes to prepare, ideal for breakfast.

* For previous eight Lenten recipies, follow 'Lent' label below the post or on list on right.

This time last year:
City centre; afternoon, dusk, night.

This time two years ago:
A highly untypical post!

The time three years ago:
Wetlands waiting for spring

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