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Saturday 23 April 2011

End of the azure week

As predicted by, the clouds gathered, filling the sky, octant by octant. The week of perfect weather has, for the time being anyway, come to an end. And so, pick of photos from that week, when the sky was perfectly azure...

Above: ul. Moczydłowska (lit. 'Bog Street'), the road leading from the Las Kabacki forest to Ursynów. On my way to work.

Above: the Kliwer (pron. 'cleaver') building in Mokotów, by Wilanowska metro station. Looking splendid in the evening light.

Above: photograph of a photographer taking a photograph in Park im. Marszałka Edwarda Śmigłego-Rydza, Solec. Taken from the saddle on the move (as was the top photo). I may not be able to send text while cycling no-handed, but well composed and sharp photos I can snap.

Below: the tramway is being refurbished along ul. Nowowiejska between Pl. Politechniki and Pl. Zbawiciela. There's much refurbishment going on ahead of next June's Euro 2012 football championships. Note the architecture; from smart Tsarist-era (left), 1960s modernism (right), both blending into Stalinist socialist realism further down the street.

Below: work continues apace on the Stadion Narodowy (national stadium). In the foreground, the main east-west railway line; the station W-wa Stadion is being rebuilt to cope with the crowds. The Euro 2012 championships finish immediately ahead of the opening of the London Olympics. Another shot taken from the saddle.

In Pole Mokotowskie park. Left: an ornamental pond which has recently been filled with water for the spring and summer period. Friday evening - just after offices close for the long Easter weekend. The park is full of people, walking, cycling, rollerblading, sunbathing. I head for the quieter parts.

Below: a lovely part of Pole Mokotowskie - an artificial hillock overlooking the park's main pond. The cobbled path lined on either side by young spruce trees.

Below: the same place, same time of day (early evening), less than one month ago. Summer is on its way real fast. Temperatures have exceeded 20C for three days in a row. Tomorrow (Easter Sunday) will be cooler, cloudier and wetter.

This time last year, two years ago, three years ago, four years ago:


It seems this is the first time I've ever posted on 23 April!


  1. Lovely spring city! I like a lot the flowers; not only tulips, also pansies in big pots. I usually visit Pole Mokokotowskie Park in summer. I think Varsovians like all these wonderful paths, ponds, lawns and old trees.
    Beauty of Warsaw is obvious. Unfortunately, I travel to work by underground, so I enjoy it only partly.

  2. Lots of teeth gnashing at the sight of those tulips. Daffs are just starting to open. Yesterday, we had a high of 7, today it was 23. I sat on my neighbour's deck and enjoyed a beer after a long hot afternoon in the garden. :)
    Happy Easter.

    How are you enjoying the visiting Canucks?
