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Saturday 2 April 2011

Halfway through Lent

It is exactly halfway between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. Time to take stock. In terms of dietary restrictions - nearly 100% success. I drank two teas that turned out to be fruit-flavoured black tea rather than caffeine, and twice the spinach I ordered contained cheese or cream. Other than that - resolution has stayed firm. Exercise continues - I've not skipped a single session morning or evening. So I'm now doing 30 press-ups at a go, and this morning I managed 100 sit-ups.

Cycling to work has resumed; 17km each way - it won't be every day of the week, but certainly as often as practical. The result of diet and exercise is a clear reduction in waistline; 13mm /just over half an inch. Going back to my first blogged Lent (2008), I've reduced my waistline by two and half inches (from 39 and a quarter to 36 and three-quarters), and as a result I'm 5kg (12lbs) lighter.

All good from the point of cardio-vascular health.

Food-wise, as well as mountains of fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, there's been Brazil nuts dipped in honey, Polsoja's excellent soya pates and marinated tofu and of course Marmite on toast or crispbread.

This time two years ago:
Swans on ul. Trombity

This time three years ago:
Papal anniversary, Warsaw

This time four years ago:
Sowing oats, Jeziorki

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