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Monday 20 June 2011

Along the Vistula trail

Heavy rain was predicted, but my multi-location day meant no alternative to the bicycle; from home to Platan Park, from their to the office, on again to Kijowska, on to a meeting at Pl. Piłsudskiego, back to the office - and then home.

A total of 46.5km cycled today. The weather was cool and wet; once I got wet, once I got soaked. Average daytime just 14C, and more rain today than in the past fortnight. If I can cope with weather this bad, it augurs well for the rest of the summer.

I turned up for the meeting at Pl. Piłsudskiego mercifully between downpours; the person I was meeting observed that, by cycling there I should be deemed "environmentally compliant" - a nice corporate spin!

Still, there were some rewards. Between Kijowska and Pl. Piłsudskiego, I took the opportunity of the fact that ul. Sokola is completely closed to try out the stretch of the newly-built cycle trail running alongside the Vistula between Most Poniatowskiego and Most Świętokrzyski. Pic above left taken on Nokia 6700 Classic; pics right and below taken on Nikon D40. Note difference in sharpness and colour cast.

Opened a month ago, it's a well-thought out and executed trail; it shouts out for further exploration northwards.

This time last year:
After the first round of the presidential election

This time two years ago:
New house appears in Jeziorki

This time four years ago:
Moni's first time on stage

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