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Saturday 22 October 2011

Jeziorki, autumn dusk

It was one of those afternoons when I knew a stroll at twilight would be rewarded by some great images. And so it came to pass...

Above: turn off ul. Karczunkowska, into the fields, fields lying fallow, fields full off mugwort (wrotycz). The owners of the land do not cultivate it, presumably hoping on vast returns when one day they come to sell it to developers.

Above and below: ul. Żmijewska, a Warsaw street (check it on the maps!) looking west, as the sun sets. I walk on.

Below: ul. Karczunkowska, the entrance to the scrapyard and to where one the rampa na kruszywa stood. The developers came, tore it down, then ran out of money to replace it with new housing. Grass triumphs, and I must say I'm rather glad.

On to the railway line. Below: the level crossing keeper's building and Posterunek Odstępowy (post. odst. Jeziorki), the fiery red remains of the sunset reflecting off the windows.

Below: turning back home, along ul. Karczunkowska, the bus loop on my right, the local shop (once called Tomasz, now Bodzio) on my left.

Below: standing outside the local shop, looking up at the twilight sky. Note the vapour trail. It's getting cold - time to get myself home.

,br />This time four years ago:
Autumn sun going out

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