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Monday 19 December 2011

A word about Juche in the modern world

The Dear Leader has passed on. Father of the People, Sun of the Communist Future, Guiding Sun Ray, Wise Leader, Shining Star of Paektu Mountain, Sun of Socialism, World Leader of the 21st Century, the Amazing Politician, Glorious General Who Descended from Heaven, Mastermind of the Revolution, Leader of the Party and the People, Great Man Who Is A Man of Deeds, and indeed, The Bright Sun of Juche.

If you're unclear as to what Juche (as an ideology) actually is, immerse yourselves in the madness here, here and here. (And read this Wikipedia article here.)

My point being? That economic nationalism is madness. Cutting a nation off from the rest of the global economy (autarky) leads to the extreme deviation we witnessed today - that phony grief brought on by the death of a man who kept his nation imprisoned and wretchedly poor for the past 17 years (and whose father did so for half a century before that).

The famine of 1994 to 1998, which left between a million and three and half million dead, was the result of economic mismanagement - stopping the unseen hand of the market from doing its work, replacing it with central planning with an ideological imperative.

When the nutty end of Polish politics talks about quitting the EU - I ask - and how is the Polish economy to function then? It's all well and good complaining that one doesn't want to be a German satrapy, but given that Germany buys 26% of Poland's exports and is where Poland buys 22% of its imports, were the German market be cut off from Poland, millions of Poles would go hungry. The EU accounts for 59% of Poland's exports; the eurozone 46% of Poland's imports.

I'd offer clear warning to anyone wanting to get involved in politics without having a grasp of basic economics: don't.

Just look at what's happening in Vik Tor Or-ban's Hungary.

This time last year:
Global warming or climate change?

This time two years ago:
Progress along the S79


  1. Hell on Earth won't morph into a land of milk and honey.

    Do you think PiS-believers (Toyah and his cronies) who read your blog will be convinced by your points laid out in last paragraphs?

    When I look at outcomes of economic experiments and enhacing democracy in Hungary, I pray we don't see Budapest in Warsaw.

    I'd offer clear warning to anyone getting involved in politics who doesn't have a grasp of basic economics: don't. - speak it out when you'll be putting in your next appearance at Tadeusz Mosz's programme.

  2. I couldn't agree more. What is amazing is that PiS appears to believe its own message that Poland can be an island in which "true Poles" can live in health, wealth and happiness. The last time we cam close was in the Jagiellonian period. Jagiello was Lithuanian and I am not too sure of Queen Hedwig's (Jadwiga)provenance either. And it didn't make a blind bit of difference. To quote Pilsudski "the only thing that matters is that citizens pay their due taxes and serve in the army". I take great exception to PiS and Father Director in Torun classifying me as a second class citizen. Following their line of reasoning true Poles should refuse to buy Wedel chocolate (the founder was a Protestant alongside very many leading Polish businessmen of the 19th Century).

  3. @MD & AndrzejK
    What a load of f*****g b****cks!! Since when has PiS wanted out of the EU? Please give me one example.
    And sh*t, I didn't realise that before the EU countries weren't allowed to trade with each other. And what have we been doing until now? Is there some special reason we need to give up, or set the precedent for more stringent fiscal control, which by the way the major players completely ignored previously (other than to be part of a Eurofederation (German/French Commonwealth with supposedly more 'democracy' i.e. there's more of them so they can tell us what to do). The new formula also allows for manipulation by the stronger powers, who, not unnaturally, are out to cover their own arses.
    Sure, If the Euro falls it will not be a pretty sight but lets not get carried away. Here's a nice summary,Wydarzenia,Kraj,Publicystyka/Polska-w-nalogu-finansowym
    - go on - it won't hurt to listen. There's even talk about Poland exceptionally advantageous situation due to the relatively minor role that export plays in Poland's PKB.
    p.s. please stop mouthing off PO propaganda

  4. p.p.s. - sorry MD, you didn't actually mention PiS - the comments got me a little carried away there :) (Student should have been addressed instead).

  5. @ adthelad:

    "p.s. please stop mouthing off PO propaganda"

    I will if Krzysztof knocks off the PiS propaganda :)

    Export - indeed, export is 35% of GDP (it was 18% when Poland began to transform). Poor old Slovakia's is 76% (!!), Czech Rep's is 67%, Hungary's is 65%. Poland's economy is more diversified, its manufacturers more agile - able to switch to import substitution. Not being in euro is an absolute blessing for Poland at this point in the economic cycle.

  6. To adthe lad re Michal not actually mentioning PiS. The old Polish saying "uderz w stol a odezwa sie nozyce" applies methinks.

  7. @AK,
    indeed, ale niestety w tym przypadku te nożyce które się pierwsze odezwały są tępe jak cholera ;)

    seems like initial treaty project encompasses only 17 nations, others to follow. I wonder how that will work? Time will tell if the treaty stays in said form.

  8. Apropos here's a recent article regarding Poland's present situation - most informative :),777661-Jak-zyskac-na-kryzysie-finansowym---Gwiazdowski.html

  9. Apt diagnosis - many say Mr Gwiazdowski is a crank, but IMHO he rises above Krzychu Rybinski, Rychu Petru and other chaps trying to make a career in media and whose appearance and more and more in tabloidical style
