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Thursday 19 January 2012

Miserable depths of winter

It's not snow or frost that gets me down - it's weather like today's. Just over zero degrees, with precipitation falling as (very cold) rain rather than as snow. What snow cover we had is melting, pavements are slushy and the damp air feels colder than dry air (just as putting your hand into water at +60C is painful, while being in a dry sauna at +60C feels, well, cool).

Yesterday morning, my bus didn't turn up at all (probably never left the depot). It left me standing, shivering at the bus stop for 17 minutes. And yesterday evening my journey home by Koleje Mazowieckie took 1hr 55mins - double the optimal time. Working days, starting at 8:00am and finishing nine or ten hours later, are in themselves not that tiring. What gets me down at this time of year is leaving home in the dark and coming home in the dark.

This time of year, the second half of January, is depressing. Not an intimation of spring for another two months. Indeed, Blue Monday, that urban-myth-pop-science day that is 'proven' to be the most depressing day of the year (presumably in the northern hemisphere), either fell last Monday or will fall next Monday.

This is also a time of year when immune systems, weakened by cold and lack of sunlight, fall prey to colds and flus. Last year, I fell ill for around 36 hours though a week later. Today I feel that without a sauna and a very early night, I shall get swept away by some vulgar little virus...

This time last year:
From - a short story (Part 1)

This time two years ago:
A month until Lent starts

This time three years ago:
World's biggest airliner over Poland

This time four years ago:
More pre-Lenten thoughts


  1. There are so many other things that lift me up or get me down that I don't really care about the weather. Recently no matter how dejecting or bothersome it is, I take delight in the beauty of winter. This morning I walked from Metro Centrum to work and despite howling chilly wind I felt great.

    If your bus doesn't turn up again, give me a ring, I can give you a lift (I leave home around 6:50 a.m.). But tomorrow taking the train into town, from Jeziorki, 7:43 service.

    Pozdrowienia dla Pana Krzysztofa!

  2. @ Bartek,

    It's been an atypical week for me with two of my students in London for training. This morning I must taking a bus at 7:14 to Poleczki (assuming the bus arrives w ogóle)
